6 UX Design Email Newsletters for 2024

Let’s face it, staying informed is not just an option — it's a necessity. Amidst the flood of online resources, determining which ones provide valuable, actionable insights can be overwhelming. That's why I've curated a list of the top UX design email newsletters here that are essential for your inbox in 2024.

1. HeyDesigner.com by Tamas Sari

HeyDesigner stands out with its diverse range of resources. As a UX designer, I've often found myself inspired by Tamas’ broad mix of links to articles and tools, which has directly influenced my project work. The newsletter is a treasure trove of creativity and practicality, perfect for designers seeking inspiration beyond the ordinary.

Subscribe at: heydesigner.com

2. LennysNewsletter.com by Lenny Rachitsky

While not exclusively for designers, Lenny's insights into product development are invaluable. The newsletter offers a broader perspective, bridging the gap between design and product strategy. I've applied many of these insights to see the 'bigger picture' in my UX projects.

Subscribe at: lennysnewsletter.com

3. Baymard.com by Baymard Institute

This is a goldmine for those fascinated by the nuances of e-commerce UX. Each case study is a lesson in itself, offering actionable advice. Additionally they conduct benchmark reports spanning over a year to provide an overview of industry standards.

Subscribe at: baymard.com

4. UXTools.co by Taylor Palmer, Jordan Bowman and Tommy Geoco

Authored by full-time product designers, this newsletter is replete with practical advice. Its hands-on approach has been a guiding light in my design journey, providing tools and techniques directly applicable to my daily work.

Subscribe at: uxtools.co

5. UserInterviews.com by User Interviews

For those fascinated by user research, this newsletter is a gem. It's been instrumental in refining my user interview techniques.

Subscribe at: userinterviews.com

6. UXBites by Peter Ramsey

Tailored for the time-crunched yet passionate designer, this newsletter brings bite-sized yet powerful UX interactions examples. It's the perfect pick for those who crave inspiration and education without wading through lengthy articles. Each edition highlights UX Bites, so you're always in the loop with the latest trends.

Subscribe at: uxbites.beehiiv.com

Managing your inbox

Pro Tip: To avoid overload, create a dedicated folder for these newsletters. This way, you can access them when you're ready to dive into your UX newsletters without cluttering your main inbox.

Wrapping up

Have I missed your favourite UX design newsletter? The UX design community thrives on sharing and collaboration, so share your top picks in the comments. Let’s continue to grow and stay informed together.


Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash