4 Automated Surveys for Gathering Valuable User Feedback

When it comes to collecting insights from your users and customers automated surveys offer a way to gather those pieces of feedback quickly.

Whats great about these surveys is that they allow you to understand firsthand how users are interacting with your product. This enables you to make educated decisions efficiently.

Now let’s take a look at some types of automated surveys that you might consider sending out.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

To start off we have the Net Promoter Score, commonly known as NPS. It’s focused on determining whether your customers would recommend your business to others. It provides a rating based on how likely they are to advocate for your products or services on a scale from 0 to 10. This metric serves as a tool for monitoring customer satisfaction levels and identifying areas for improvement.

After Sign-Up Insights

Okay, so someone just signed up for your product – awesome! Why not ask them why they chose you? Maybe they've just jumped ship from a competitor. This info is gold for your marketing team. It's like getting a peek into what makes your customers tick and what words really resonate with them. And timing is key – hit them up while the experience is still fresh in their minds.

The Exit Survey

It's always disappointing when someone decides to close their account. It also presents an opportunity for learning. Sending a survey as they exit can provide insights. What went wrong for them? Are they exploring options? This is your chance to gather feedback and enhance your services from the source.

Micro Surveys

Micro surveys are concise, focused and to the point. Platforms like Ethnio or Qualaroo allow you to place these on pages. Did your users just finish searching for flights? Ask them how satisfied they were with the search. By targeting specific flows and task, you can receive feedback quickly on what’s working for people and what isn’t. Keep it straightforward by focusing on one question or theme to encourage customer engagement.

Pulling It All 

When creating these surveys remember to keep them short and simple. Ensure that the questions are easy to understand and give individuals the option to decline if they prefer. By following these suggestions you'll uncover which areas need improvement, where you’re doing well and how users overall rate your product.